Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 47

Jeremiah was up and ready for the day well before his brothers and uncles.  He was never up before his father.  He knew better than to try.  His parents were always up at the crack of dawn to get their morning workout.  He met his parents downstairs in the kitchen.  “Morning Mom and Dad.”

“Good morning, Jeremiah”, his father said.  “You ready to get married today?”  He took a sip of coffee.

“Yes and no.  I’m not ready in that I’m nervous as hell, but I’m ready for the torture to end.”

His mother looked at him strangely.  “What do you mean, ready for the torture to end?”

“Remember the first time her parents came out and I told you two about that dream of Granddad?”

“Yes.  I remember.  What of it?”

“Around Thanksgiving I had a dream of a little boy.  Granddad said it was just a glimpse of the first child I’d be passing the gift on to.  Uncle Matt made a guest appearance and suggested that I name his newest great nephew after him.”

“So we’re going to have another Matthew James in the family?”

“No, it’s going to be a Matthew Ryan.”

“That’s not something your Uncle Matt would have suggested.”

“He suggested that we used his first name and that I let her choose the middle name.  She know about James’ middle name being Matthew, but she didn’t want to go with that.  Anyway, every so often since then, I’ve been having dreams where I see my son in more and more detail.  Last night it was so vivid I could have sworn it was real other than the fact that I knew that it was a dream.  I actually held this dream child in my arms and he responded to his name.  I’m ready for the torment to end.  No more dreams, damn it!  They’re driving me  insane!”

“Jeremiah, you’re already insane.  They’re just making you crazier”, his father laughed.  Jeremiah had made himself a cup of coffee while he spoke.  After taking a drink, he did something he’d never done before.  He flipped his father off.  David’s eyes grew wide.  “What?  You did NOT just flip me off.”

“Yeah, Dad, I’m pretty sure I just did.”

David laughed.  “You have the biggest set of stones ever, I swear.”

“What does that mean?”

“Have you ever seen anyone but your mother flip me off?”

“Uncle Danny, Uncle Mike, and Uncle John.”

David laughed again.  “Ok, I’ll rephrase.  Have you ever seen any of your brothers and sisters flip me off?”


“See my point?”

“Nope.  Too damn early and I haven’t finished my coffee yet.  Where are my brothers anyway?”

“Jake will be in momentarily.  I’m about to beat on James’ door.  Malachai will be here soon.  And when I go beat on James’ door, I’m going to beat on Marc’s as well.”

“What about Logan?”

“He’ll be arriving with Malachai.”

“Alrighty then.  As long as everyone’s here to help set this up, I’ll be happy.  I’m not doing this by myself.”

“Nor am I, son.  Your mother’s friends who do hair, makeup, and nails and all that good shit will be here soon.  They’re going to start working on making all of the women visions of perfection the moment they arrive.”

“All of the women?”

“The ones that need it”, his mother replied.  “Jona, myself, your mother in law, and your sisters.”


“Well, the mother of the bride and mother of the groom have to look nice because, well, that’s just how it works.  And Jona and your sisters need it because they’re going to be up at the altar with you and your brother’s and cousin.”

Jeremiah chuckled.  “You can tell that I’m not awake yet because I should have gotten that.”

“’Miah, it’s going to take a little time for it to sink in.  I don’t think it will actually fully hit you until you’re standing at the altar and you see her walking down the aisle.”

“You’re probably right, Mom.”  He looked at his father.  “Well, Dad, shall we go roust the other monkeys so that we can have this wedding?”

David laughed.  “Let’s go roust the other monkeys and we’ll get started for the day.”

As they walked away, there was a knock on the door.  David opened the door.  “Hola Javier.  Brie’s in the Kitchen.”

“David, when are you going to grow those gorgeous curls and let me do something with them?” the Hispanic man asked.

“Never.  I like being bald, thank you”, David said with a chuckle.  “Anyway, you’re not here for the men.  You here for my wife, my soon to be daughter in law, my daughters, and my daughter in law’s mother.”

“I know.  But I would love to do something for you.”

“No thank you, Javier.”

The man stomped his foot and snapped his fingers as he cursed in Spanish.  David just rolled shook his head and called for his wife.


The men all ate breakfast as the women started getting pampered for the day.  Jeremiah idly wondered what Jona was up to.  Was she being tortured by his mother’s gay hairdresser or the two nail techs?  He could only guess.

Finally, everyone went out to the back yard and started setting things up.  Brie had composed a list of everything she wanted done.  It was scheduled down to the minute.  Jeremiah was glad for the distraction from thinking about the dream he’d had the night before.  As the tables and chairs for the reception, the more real the fact that he was about to get married became.  By the time lunch rolled around, he was actually starting to think that he could handle this getting married thing.

At lunch, David noticed that Skyler was looking a little depressed.  “You’re not looking so hot there, brother.  Is everything ok?”

“It’s starting to sink in, David”, Skyler responded.

“What is?”

“The fact that my little girl is about to get married.”

David smiled.  “Oh, I know the feeling.”  He looked at Skyler.  “You want a drink to knock the edge off of the nerves?”

Skyler shrugged.  “Sure.  What do you have?”

“A little of everything.  Pick your poison.”

“You have Irish whiskey?”

“Sure do.  I have a bottle that Jake bought me on his honeymoon a few years ago that I have yet to open.”

“Sounds good.  Can we just take a shot with lunch?”

David pulled the bottle out of the liquor cabinet and got two shot glasses out as well.  He pulled the cork on the bottle and sniffed.  “Damn this stuff smells good.”  He poured them each a shot and handed on to Skyler.  “Here’s to good health”, he said as he brought the glass up to his lips.

Right as Skyler and David both started to up turn the glasses, Damien walked into the Kitchen.  “Hold on.  Stop the presses and alert the media.”

Skyler and David looked at the young man.  “Why?” Skyler asked his son.

“Skyler Aodh Mason is drinking.”

“It’s just a shot to calm my nerves, Damien.  I’m a little on edge about this afternoon.  Granted, the last time I drank was before you were even thought of”, Skyler laughed.

“Damien, I can relate to how your father feels.  I was the same way when my daughter Maddie got married”, David said.

“Did you drink that day?” Skyler asked.

“Brie wouldn’t let me.  I wanted to drop a shot or two before walking her down the aisle.  But, it was a late morning wedding and my wife would have killed me for drinking before noon.”

“What happened when you reached the altar with Maddie?”

“I took her hand like I was going to give it to Colton, and I froze.  Reality hit me.  My little princess was about to become someone’s wife.  I couldn’t let go.”

“What happened?”

“Colton was patient with me as I forced myself to give him her hand, but Maddie had to elbow me in the ribs a few times to get me to come back to the real world.  I gave her hand to Colton and sat with my wife, then cried as I watched her say her vows.”

Damien looked amazed.  “David Draiman cries?”

“Why is that so fucking hard to believe?”


“Mrs. Draiman is this all really necessary?” Jona asked as Javier worked his magic on her hair.

“Jona, come on, sweetheart.  It’s not so bad to allow yourself to be pampered every now and then.  I actually had to learn that after the war ended.”

“You weren’t pampered when you can David first got married?”

“Nope.  We were in hiding.  I spent that eight year period pampering everyone else.”

“Wow.  What made you finally come to that realization?”

“The first year that I accompanied David to any award show.  I had to have my hair done, and my nails done, wear a weird dress… I wasn’t used to all of that.  Finally, day of the award show, I was so uncomfortable.  David put his hands on my shoulders and leaned into me and whispered in my ear, ‘It’s ok to allow yourself to enjoy this, honey.  It’s not so bad to actually allow yourself to be pampered.’  I thought about it for a moment then just relaxed and let them do their jobs.  We ended up changing what I wore to the show, but nonetheless, I looked good and it was because I allowed myself to be pampered.”

“So, I should just let this happen?”

“It won’t hurt, sweetie.  And just think, in an hour and a half, your Dad will be walking you down the aisle so that you can say ‘I do’ to a young man that would rather die than see you hurt.”

“I’m still really nervous.”

“Oh, I’m sure.  I can’t speak for your mother, but I know I was nervous up until the time my brother Matt walked me down the aisle and I saw David standing there waiting on me at the altar.”

“Do you think ‘Miah’s as nervous as I am?”

“I’m sure he is”, Kaylian said to her daughter.  She was standing by the window watching the happenings in the back yard.  She spotted Skyler and David sitting with Jeremiah.  The young man looked bothered or worried.  “I would even be willing to bet on that.”

“Why do you say that, Mom?”

“Because it seems that your father and father in law are sitting with your young groom on the back porch talking with him about something.  I think it’s finally starting to sink in for him too.”

Brie made her way over to the window.  “Well, I’m honestly not very shocked.  He’s confident, like all my boys, but he was the shy one growing up.  I’m not surprised that he’s feeling a bit dubious the closer this gets.”

“Do you think he’s doubting that he wants to marry me?” Jona asked.

“No dear, of course not.  He couldn’t want anything more than to make you his wife.  There have been other things on his mind recently.”


“It’s not my place, Jona.  If he thinks you need to know, he’ll tell you.  I think his problem is that it’s sinking in that he’s not going to be a single man much longer and that in less than an hour, he’s going to be someone’s husband.  He loves you Jona.  You make him happier than I’ve ever seen him.  He wouldn’t have asked you to marry him if he didn’t love you.  My children were all taught to be sincere.”

Jona smiled softly.  “Thank you, Brie.  I really appreciate this; all of it.”

“Jona, it’s not a problem.  You’re part of this family now.  We’ll do anything for family.”


Finally, everyone was ready to go and everything was in place.  There was a tent that had been set up at the bride’s waiting area for Jona and her father to wait in before the music started to play.  The groom’s men and bride’s maids were all lined up and ready to go.  Everyone at the wedding itself was barefoot.  For the reception, there was the option to put in sandals if they so chose.  Jeremiah stood at the altar trying to keep his breathing under control.  His nerves were at an all time high.  He didn’t want to make a fool of himself when it came time for him to speak.

Pachebel’s Canon in D began to play thanks to the local string quartet his mother had commissioned to come play the wedding.  And so, the most important event Jeremiah and Jona would encounter had begun.  He watched at his brothers, sisters, and cousin made their way down the grass covered path to where he stood at the altar.  Jake and Jordan were among the last two to enter.  Jake looked at him and winked.  “You’re going to be fine”, Jake mouthed as he released Jordan and took his place amongst the groom’s men.  He leaned into his younger brother.  “Breathe, Jeremiah.  Holding your breath isn’t healthy.”

Jeremiah nodded and took a slow breath in through his nose.  “Thanks Jake”, he whispered.

“I’m your big brother; it’s my job.”

Jeremiah closed his eyes momentarily, opening them to see the woman that was about to become his wife coming down the aisle.  His heart sped in his chest.  The white dress she wore fit her perfectly.  She’d opted out of a veil.  The way she wore he hair was beautiful.  It was pulled up in a classic do with a simple silver comb in it.  Her makeup was modestly done.  The necklace and earrings she wore looked familiar.  That must have been the something borrowed.  All in all, she was a vision of perfection on her father’s arm.  He smiled at her brightly and she returned the favor.  When she and her father reached the altar, everything froze.  Skyler was having trouble letting her go.  Jeremiah had had a feeling that was going to happen so he just stood there with his hand extended and a smile on his face.  Finally, David cleared his throat and Skyler gave Jeremiah Jona’s hand after giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

Rev. Sanders started the ceremony.  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jona Eavan Mason and Jeremiah Alexander Draiman in holy matrimony.  If there be any amongst you that believe that these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”  They stood and looked out at the gathered family and friends.  No one said a thing.

The vows were recited by the Reverend.  “Do you, Jeremiah, take Jona to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love, honor, and protect, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, for as long as you both shall live?”

Jeremiah smiled.  “I do.”  Levi handed him the ring and he slipped it on Jona’s finger along.

“Do you, Jona, take Jeremiah to be to your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and honor, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, for as long as you both shall live?”

Jona smiled as tears streamed down her face.  “I do.”  Ira handed her the ring her carried and she slid it on Jeremiah’s finger.  It was everything he could do not to reach up and brush the tears from her cheeks.  Instead, he held onto her hands for dear life.

“Now, by the power vested in me by the State of Colorado, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.  Jeremiah, you may kiss the your bride.”

Jeremiah’s hands came up to caress her cheeks, his thumbs slyly wiping away the tears of joy she cried.  She rested her hands against his chest as he leaned down to press his lips to hers.  It was their first kiss as husband and wife.  He tried to keep it short and appropriate.  Thankfully he managed. 

“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Draiman”, Rev. Sanders said once the kiss broke.  They turned toward the crowd and left the altar and went into the crowd.  The new couple was greeted by the arms of friends and family.

Brie quickly took charge of the situation.  “If everyone could start making their way back to the house that would be great.  We’re going to take some pictures real fast and we’ll be right there.”

The photographer hung back and took the pictures of the wedding party.  Jona and Jeremiah had photos taken together, separately and with their parents and their halves of the wedding party.  Once the party photos were taken, Brie made sure that the photographer was sticking around to take pictures at the reception and they all headed back to the house for the reception.

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